Along with priming and nailing up shingles to the front of the house, we had to do something about the soffit, which had about 4 thick layers of cracked and peeling paint, exposing the wood under it to the elements. We are in the process of painting any areas of exposed wood on the outside of the house. We hired three guys to work for 1 Saturday scraping the entire soffit while Joe and I shingled. The following weekend we borrowed a big paint sprayer and Joe set to work spraying the soffit. I was his ladder-mover and spotter. We roasted in the excessive heat, and Joe got completely covered in white paint, some of which he is still finding on him some 2 weeks later (but we got it done!) Here is the before and after:
Jason is groaning for you! When he was painting houses for a living, the soffits were the worst job, but yours look great! He doesn't envy you the heat either! or the wasp nests he's sure you found (or he always seemed to find!)